Saturday, March 29, 2008 |
Do BLOGS do more harm than good? |
I am copying a recent post I made in my other personal blog to kick-start this new one. -----------
Last night, I saw STAND OFF (THE A.U.D.C) on ANC. The topic on debate was "This House believes blogs do more harm than good." Being a blogger, naturally, I stopped my channel surfing and stuck with it.
I believe the discussion was borne out of the current ruckus on Brian Gorell's blog attacks on the Gucci Gang, and others. It seems it had the effect the author wanted and some guilty (perhaps) parties have ants in their pants. It would seem natural to file some case for whatever damages BG made IF it were done on some other medium. But if done on a blog, what could ANYBODY do...? NOTHING, I presume.
First off, I honestly think blogs do no harm much. Hehehe.. It is what it is. An online journal. A medium to which people pour their hearts and souls into. Sometimes even poetry, music, rants, raves, and almost everything under the sun. What with technology, nobody wants to maintain the traditional pen and paper versions of blogs, rather they want it on what they always face. The computer. The Internet.
A personal journal records ones thoughts, feelings, and opinion for the day. It is not, by any means, a proven source of facts. And for online journals, it is simply for the reader's discretion if he or she should agree, disagree, believe or not the details written in space. Newspapers claim they are the source of truth, yet sometimes we even doubt their authenticity and debate the contents. What difference is a blog? More so, blogs often come from feelings and a given few of researched facts, but not stamped on the raw truth. What is the truth anyway? Nobody really knows. It all depends on how many believe it to be true.
Here are the pros and cons of blogging.
- blogs allow people to connect with people all over the world
- blogs allow friends of their authors to catch up with the lives which most often miss duty to their busy lifestyles
- blogs are stress relievers where some come to relax and save themselves from impending insanity
- blogs allows others to become people they wish they were
- blogs allow people to voice out their feelings to others
- blogs can sometimes hurt feelings
- blogs often mislead people
- blogs CAN be dishonest (but not all the time)
Perhaps I am biased as I am a blogger. But I believe that the good outweighs the bad in blogging. It simply boils down to those who are reading. Would you believe what is written, point blank? Or would you take time to ponder on what is written and think of it as another piece of information learned and it is up to you to digest. Nothing is undebatable. Nothing is free from reactions. Besides, you would really have to think, "where there is smoke, there is fire." Nothing comes out of nothing. There must be something, but it is up to you to decide which version is correct. Blogs merely give the options, the opinions, and what the author believes to be true. You be the judge.Labels: blogging, blogs, Brian Gorell, discussion, opinion |
posted by Ann @ 6:12 AM
it also probably depends on what kind of blog it is. most personal blogs that feature entries of the author's life events and photos wouldn't normally harm anyone. others even don't care about it. but some blogs, especially those with very strong opinions as entries, those that relate to debatable/controversial topics could leave some hurtful marks on the part of the reader. but maybe only a small percentage of blogs really do cause much harm or even violence. probably worst to happen is people fighting over the internet but there are worst things than that.
you're right. blogs cause more good than bad. I remember once i had an entry about my opinion on kris aquino and her gowns, one person commented and insulted me, because she was apparently a BIG fan and she didn't like people hating her beloved kris. i was too hurt by her insult that i turned-off comments for that particular post. i even thought of deleting the entry but i thought that if i did that, i'd come out as the loser and i think i didn't do anything wrong. it's part of keeping a blog, being able to say what you think, sometimes, even if it hurts other people. otherwise, there'll be less blogs in this world.
whoah, this comment has become an entirely different entry by itself. hehe but that's what i think. :)
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Name: Ann
Home: Philippines
About Me: even when she has fairy wings on, this girl is anything BUT dainty. perhaps the size, the weight, and the personality alone are just too much for her to be considered delicate, prim, proper, and refined. this girl with the mud smudged cheeks has been down on the ground one to many times. these times forced her to be tougher, smarter, and more savvy than she has ever been. perhaps she will always be, never dainty.
email me: neverdainty [at] gmail [dot] com
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it also probably depends on what kind of blog it is. most personal blogs that feature entries of the author's life events and photos wouldn't normally harm anyone. others even don't care about it. but some blogs, especially those with very strong opinions as entries, those that relate to debatable/controversial topics could leave some hurtful marks on the part of the reader. but maybe only a small percentage of blogs really do cause much harm or even violence. probably worst to happen is people fighting over the internet but there are worst things than that.
you're right. blogs cause more good than bad. I remember once i had an entry about my opinion on kris aquino and her gowns, one person commented and insulted me, because she was apparently a BIG fan and she didn't like people hating her beloved kris. i was too hurt by her insult that i turned-off comments for that particular post. i even thought of deleting the entry but i thought that if i did that, i'd come out as the loser and i think i didn't do anything wrong. it's part of keeping a blog, being able to say what you think, sometimes, even if it hurts other people. otherwise, there'll be less blogs in this world.
whoah, this comment has become an entirely different entry by itself. hehe but that's what i think. :)