Tuesday, June 17, 2008 |
Living With Water: Benefits of Hydration |
If there is anything we take for granted more, it is our intake of water. I should know. For the past week, I've noticed that the maximum amount of water I have taken in does not come up to a single liter perhaps per day. That's bad, duh! But I was too busy and just plain lazy to care. So I opted to make use of alternative liquids such as tea, Cali, juice, Fit n Right, and softdrinks. It took a while before I realized that I was running low on good old water that I had to make a huge backtrack. These days, I've been trying to get myself hydrated. It could be the one thing missing in my health life. As it often happens, I mistake my thirst for hunger, so I go for the food rather than the thirst quencher. Stupid huh? Yeahp.. very very stupid. At least I know better now. Just to chronicle this knowledge, and to share it to those who do not know the benefits of water, here is a list of reasons why you SHOULD get that 5-8 glasses of water a day!
- Hydration lessens risk of diseases. Getting yourself hydrated lessens a woman's risk of breast cancer by a good 79%. Not only that type of cancer, but it also reduces the risk of colon (45%) and bladder (50%) cancer as well.
- Mental clarity enhancement. Good hydration helps you be alert mentally all throughout the day. This is something that appeals a lot to me.
- Go for softer skin. Here's to those who would do everything to slow down the aging process. Did you know that if you do not hydrate yourself much, you age faster? Surely I am going to hydrate more! Wrinkles are said to vanish and sagging skin would tighten.
- Improve your Digestion! Well now, they never told me that! Research shows that when one gets constipated, that person more or less does not have sufficient fluid. Well, it figures. Fluid is needed in order for nutrients to glide on by through those delicate membranes lining the intestines. If the fluid is enough, then the nutrients can be distributed everywhere!
- CONTROL BODY WEIGHT. (This one caught my eye, too!) Perhaps this is the explanation to my eating instead of drinking decisions last week. Usuallly people often confuse thirst for hunger because the body's thirst mechanism is not really that strong. If we hydrate more, enough hydration resets the thirst mechanism which in turn satisfies the need. Therefore, we no longer eat that much... ;)
- Relieve Joints and Back Pains. People do not know this much to be true, but hydration can actually help relieve you of your back and joint pains - if you have any.
I don't know about you, but those benefits are reason enough for me to start hydrating myself. As of yesterday, I bought a new bottle for me to use just so when I go around town, I can drink water anytime. Therefore I will not have an excuse to eat out or buy soft drinks or iced tea. I believe it now. Even though I haven't seen any results as yet. But I honestly feel much better. The secret to good health? Water.
posted by Ann @ 11:51 AM
Friday, June 13, 2008 |
Out of words - Let's Relax for the Weekend |
There comes a time in my blogging life that somehow makes me run out of words. Like today for instance. I think I just might be one step away from burn-out. I hope not though.
These are the days I want to drown my sorrows in high calorie Rock n Roll!
What am I playing today? Not much really.. I get really weird when I'm stressed out.. So here I go a-de-stressin all the way...
Well, I am currently repeating and repeating my all time favorite pick me up and relaxing music.
Guns n' Roses - Sweet Child o' Mine
care to listen with me??
 Labels: destressing, guns n roses, music, rock n roll |
posted by Ann @ 9:23 PM
Thursday, June 12, 2008 |
[MeMes] Doing the Tagging Thing |
Okay, so I have been a delinquent when it comes to memes and such. I really try to avoid these things as much as I can, but hey, all for the fun of it, right guys?
Rules: The rules are posted at the beginning. At the end of the post, the player tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leave a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answer. 1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
I was 13. I was a loner, a recluse, a bookworm, and a wobbly knobbly insecure person (haven't grown up much since them though)
2. What are 5 things on my to-do list today? (or tomorrow or tonight?) * get some sleeeeeeep! * think of content to write on * kill Globe if they dont put my connection back on * check for updates * go to work
3. Snacks I enjoy: I love all the things that my friends are going to kill me for. Currently, I keep snacking on Cali and Tortillas - go figure. 4. Places I've lived: I haven't really really lived anywhere else other than Dumaguete. I have stayed for a couple of months or so at my mother's place in Agusan del Sur though.
5. Things I'd do if I were a billionaire I would set up a fund - even if I am not yet a billionaire, I still want to set up a fund/charity. And I would also like to set up my own businesses! :) Like Zr, it is plural, not a typo.
6. People I want to know more about: I want to know more about people who have mental disorders - a long standing goal. :D
posted by Ann @ 9:38 PM
Monday, June 9, 2008 |
Concoction: The Italian Soda |
 Prior to Master Joh's birthday, I have never heard of Italian soda. Have you? Pardon my ignorance if the whole world has known of this really cool drink. Now I actually feel like I belong somewhere among the elite. ;) Hah! This coming from somebody currently obsessed with Cali Ice and Tortillas. Eh.. I have no idea why.
Anyway, I have been going about thinking about that special drink for sometime now - considering that it is almost a month since I tasted it, and I have yet to ask Master Joh how they made that, or if it came from a bottle - but I don't think so, really. So I went about my usual gallivanting in cyberspace and thought to finally look up the recipe - if any - on how to make Italian soda.
Here is what I got. I just compiled it since most recipes direct you to do the same thing:
- 4 tbsp. syrup
- 3/4 c. milk (some recipes do not include this)
- Carbonated water
- Crushed ice
Direction(s): Mix the syrup and milk in a tall glass. Add carbonated water and ice until the glass is full. (Don't try mixing the ingredients in any other order or the milk will curdle.)
Here is a video on how to make the Italian soda. The first part, before the lady pours in the cream is the Italian soda. After she pours the cream and the whipped cream, it becomes the Italian creamosa. :) More stuff learned today!
The video is courtesy of ExpertVillage.com
 Labels: drinks, food, good finds, how to, recipes, tips, tips tricks |
posted by Ann @ 8:14 PM
The Things You Cant Get When You Run For The Green |
Here is the lowdown on what is happening in the world today: Gas prices are skyrocketing (imagine a Php 60/L prediction in a month or so), rice shortage and price increase, increase in fare (from Php 8 to Php 10), and the groceries' price increase as well. That is a might lot for a small country like the Philippines. How much the whole world?
And so the whole world is in crisis. Now, everybody is running for the big green - right? Everybody is trying to earn even on the side of what he or she can manage - even if it kills them. For people who have families, like me, we have to push hard and push harder just to even buy a can of milk. But in the process, we ought to think: "What are we losing that the moolah cannot get you?"
- Happiness - I think a lot will agree if I say "Money cannot buy happiness." However, it would make somebody happy if you get that person something, but that would only be temporary. If it gets your family out of trouble, then that would be happiness. But too much striving for money just because money buys material things is not any way of making a person happy. Material possessions can never take the place of a happy and loving home. And if you, yourself, strive too hard. Be careful as it just might deprive you of the true happiness of the soul.
- Time - "Time is money," or so they say. Therefore, if you sell out your time for money, then obviously, you lose time. Sometimes we give too much time worrying, spending, budgeting, and thinking about money that we lose the time to check out other things that do not involve money. Money takes away the time you are supposed to be spending with your kids, your husband, your loved ones, and even with yourself. Sometimes, I, too, become guilty over this. And to take care of this is to budget time wisely.
- Health - As I write this, I believe I can safely testify striving for money can be bad for your health. And even if - by God's grace - I do earn enough, I still will not be able to have any insurance that the life I live will be long. Money can never bring back your life, your youth, or your health.
- Self-esteem - No matter how rich you get, it does not matter to self-esteem. It is not like you can buy self-esteem by the bundle. It has to be grown from deep within you, and something that you have to invest into - and by this, I do not mean money. If you have not yet resolved any issues within yourself, then no amount of money can help you take care of this except your very self. When the richest of men decide to take their lives because of depression, no amount of money spent on drugs, or anything that their money can buy can cure that person.
- Respect - If you humiliate a person and then pay that person off with Php 1,000, do you think you will get respect. Oh, I am sure that person would be willing to say yes - crisis after all. But you will never get that person's respect. The truth is, no amount of money can buy respect. You have to gain it, not demand it or buy it.
There are a lot of things that money cannot buy. These are but the basics that sometimes we need to remember when we are so caught up in the race to provide. Although it is not all together harmful or bad for you. We just need to realize that the world may need money to improve and develop, but money should not be our world.
 Labels: happiness, improvement, money, personal matters, Sunday Goodness |
posted by Ann @ 7:13 PM
About Me |

Name: Ann
Home: Philippines
About Me: even when she has fairy wings on, this girl is anything BUT dainty. perhaps the size, the weight, and the personality alone are just too much for her to be considered delicate, prim, proper, and refined. this girl with the mud smudged cheeks has been down on the ground one to many times. these times forced her to be tougher, smarter, and more savvy than she has ever been. perhaps she will always be, never dainty.
email me: neverdainty [at] gmail [dot] com
See my complete profile
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